Rest Renew Rejuvenate

Have you ever found yourself exhausted from all the doing, doing and even more doing that may be happening in your life?

Hi my name is Cari Havican, and over the years - I’ve found myself in that place of exhaustion again, and again.  

Always playing “catch-up” is not a pleasant place to be, and ultimately I grew tired of being tired, and I also grew tired of watching others experiencing similar things to me.  

I knew that the world of burn out was looming when my health took a serious decline a few years ago - this was my wake-up call to stop all the doing, it was time stop all the busy & obligation work, that I had been doing for everyone else for such a long time. It was now time to look after me & honour my exhaustion instead of fighting it, because  burn out was not a place I wanted to go.

As a result of my experience, I’ve created a series of relaxing and calming mindful rest moments which have supported me as I’ve navigated the exhaustion from doing too much for too long.  When I use these practices - I return to my day feeling refreshed and ready to continue on any projects I’m working on.  When I ignore the impulse to refresh my energy - invariably my brain becomes fatigued, I loose concentration and my energy plummets often sending me to the kitchen to look for little snacks “to keep me going”.

If you have a story similar to mine, or even if you want to prevent having a similar story, then I am honoured to share my supportive rest practices with you.

These practices range from short 5-minute resets, to longer deeper rests.

Some days you may decide to do a 5-min reset a couple of times a day, and other days you may recognise that your body, mind and soul would enjoy a longer deeper rest.  I encourage you to explore all the practices so you know which will suit you best at any moment of the day.

The training is intended for informational and educational purposes, it is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment. Please consult your medical professional before making changes to your diet, exercise routine, medical regimen, lifestyle, and/or mental health care

Disclosure: The depicted experience is not typical. Your background, education, experience, work ethic may differ. This is used as an example and not a guarantee of success. Individuals do not track the typicality of its student's experiences. Your results may vary.

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