What is fulfilment? To me, it’s maintaining a life that’s balanced, in harmony and growing. Over the years of both giving and receiving Coaching sessions, I’ve been fascinated how other’s can clearly see our strengths, weaknesses and the potential we have to fulfil our missions and purpose. However, we don’t seem to be able to see what other’s see in us, and so we struggle and avoid and procrastinate.
I believe we all have a personal mission to fulfil and if you’re like me - you just need a little bit of help seeing the vision, along with some guidance of the best steps to take to get there.
Coaching is a way to help you create clarity on your vision
and develop an action plan to help you move towards
and achieve your vision, while maintaining harmony, balance and growth. In order to have a better understanding of how you can move forward in key areas of life, throughout the coaching session’s some of the things we’ll assess are:
- your current situation,
- what you want to achieve
- how and when you want to achieve your desired outcome
- the obstacles preventing you from moving forward
- current habits and how they may or may not be supporting you
- what accountability may be required
During the coaching sessions some “Find your Bling” guidance may be offered. Find your Bling is a collection of 800-cards that you intuitively select. The messages on the cards help you to think about what you truly want and guide you on a path to finding your answers. The cards are designed to help you gain insights, clarity and direction on a question you want answered in a particular area of life. e.g. What do I need to know about ……? or How can I …….?