Chat with Cari - Finish the Year Strong

With only 3-months of 2022 to go, the lovely Amma Primicino and I chat about how to finish the year strong.

Chat with Cari - Queen Elizabeth II passes away

After 70-years of dedicated service to Britain and the Commonwealth - Queen Elizabeth II passes away at 96 years of age.  Through her time of service she met with 15 different Prime Ministers weekly - starting with Winston Churchill all the way through to Ms Truss.

Today Amma and I chat about what it means to be a female leader.

Chat with Cari - Learn about Chef Kim's journey to be a Sugar Free Health Coach

In today's Chat with Cari, we're chatting with the lovely Kim Caruk.  Kim's a chef of 16 years - she's so passionate about nutrition, that she's also a Recipe Developer & Food Photographer, plus she's a Sugar Free Health Coach.  Today we'll be learning how Kim was inspired to take the big leap to remove sugar from her life.

Chat with Cari - Learning about the Counsellor Personality

In today's Chat with Cari - Shirley Dalton is back to talk about the Counsellor Personality Profile, and how to interact with these personalities if you're a different personality.

Chat with Cari - Celebrating Life

Osho once said "Life should not only be lived, it should be celebrated".  In today's Chat with Cari, Amma Primicino & I chat about celebrations throughout life.
* celebrating the big and small milestones/achievements.
* celebrating every aspect of being a woman.
* celebrating this amazing journey we call life.

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